Rosario Pintos Lobo
PhD Student
Department of Psychology

Rosario is a third-year graduate student in the Department of Psychology at Florida International University, specializing in Clinical Science under the co-mentorship of Drs. Erica Musser and Angela Laird. She completed her M.S. in Professional Counseling Psychology at Florida International University (Miami, FL). She graduated from Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires, Argentina) with a B.S. in Psychology. Rosario is interested in investigating the functional neural correlates of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Specifically, she is interested in furthering our understanding of the behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying heterogeneity in these common psychopathologies via a multimethod approach including behavioral observations, standardized clinical assessments, psychophysiological measures (i.e., ECG, EDA, RSA), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). She is currently contributing to research projects investigating the neural correlates associated with social processing in individuals with high functioning autism.
